
  • A single first string, then six pairs (courses) either tuned in unison or an octave apart. Some lutes have more courses  

    • well I never knew that.....i play some lutey type stuff on my uke.....must be fun but odd ta play !

  • They work ok for me if you use a fairly short scale and tune down. Heavy tension of steel strings and wood pegs don't mix. 

    I bet they would be fine for ukes or gut style banjos for sure.

    • you mean tune to a lower key, open E etc ?.....hmmm, I like the look, aesthetics are important but aint nothin worse than an instrument that dont stay in tune.....but you say, short scale is best ? 23.5 or some such ? thanx for that I will bear it in mind.

  • My buddy David Johnson built this cgb with fiddle pegs and fine tuners. Says it works awesome DSC06458

    • Great lookin build he did and the fiddle pegs look coolDSC06482

      • I like it !!! fantastic headstock..........thats it, Im gonna do it !!!!!

  • Built a lute (13 strings) with tuning pegs.The purists will be horrified but I ended up306024874?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 cutting off the peg box and fitted a new head with geared tuners

    • oh, you put me to shame with that headstock....gee, thats good work.....why is it 13 strings and not 12 ?

  • They look great but if you're not experienced with em I wouldn't recommend em on their own..
    But if you look on eBay you can get some violin fine tuners.. These are little thumbscrew controlled levers for down near the tailpiece, only a couple bucks each. I'd recommend one for each string if you wanna go friction tuners, then you can just get em close enough and fine tune down the other end, this is what violinists do
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