They say that you are always planning the next build before completing the first. (Well it would be a waste not to use those three spare tuning pegs :-)
So... thinking about a CBG with removable neck. I can mill out a precision joint using a CNC router but what design? I'm thinking some kind of taper drawn together when bolted up. Hook on string retention at the top of the neck so that un-tensioned strings can be slipped off. Classical style tuners at a slotted tailpiece so released strings can be slipped into the box when travelling. This also reduces the length of neck for packing. On that subject, the shortest practical scale length?
Anyone built one?
21" is a nice doable scale.
If you really want a challenge, make something like this -
innovative design for a folding guitar, love it.
Haha, that's brilliant. I love all the naysaying comments from people who will probably never hold or even see one in the flesh. I don't imagine that the various famous guitarist owners were bribed for their endorsements...aah the internet.....