OK so it seems that Wayfinder started something that may have started something that didn't set well with everyone.
So I submit to you, I challenge you to a comparison photo dicussion.
Post your photos of of your most "down to basics" CBG and also your best built "New Fangled" CBG and then let the comments come in.
Give us the description of how each was built, and how you feel it sounds, in your own opinion. If you have a video of the git being played post that as well.
There are only TWO Rules.
Rule # 1. Post only photos and videos of your own builds.
Rule # 2. There are no rules on what's considered "grass roots" or "New Fangled"
Now, Let the fun begin.......
I think the most basic build would be Build 1: A three string slider with a piezo pickup.
The most "new fangled" build would depend on your definition of New Fangled. The most complex build to date is a traditional 0 sized resonator. It involved steaming and bending wood, making a sound well and figuring out how to get a box baffled correctly. If that's New Fangled, then it qualifies.
Going through some old emails I rediscovered this,that reso is gorgeous
I will accept #2 as new fangled. Very nice looking git.
I like the basic as well. Thanks for joining the discussion
The basic is still a favorite player...........
I'll play.
I've made simpler guitars, but this one best represents my "traditional" take while offering a lot of guitar. I called this one "The Old Hand" and it had very simple construction using a Padron box, an original Flatpup, and a Mojobone rod piezo bridge. I used tacks to guide the strings over a zero fret.
Here's my most advanced, new fangled thing. And maybe that label doesn't fit. I guess it isn't much different on the inside. A Thinbucker pickup and Mojobone Works rod piezo biscuit. This one has a Lowe Cone for the resonator. I didn't bother with a switch on this one and opted for independent pickup jacks. However, there was a lot more precision in the construction and set up. I love playing this guitar acoustic and plugged in.
I only build the guitars I want to make and only listen to what's in my head when I want to make them. It makes me a commercial failure, but I'm only doing this for me anyway.
I like em both. I also only build what I want and when I want. If I wind up selling them, people are gonna have to want to buy something "different", cause that's what I make.
I'm with you on that Frog. What I build is what I want to build. The few that I have built for specific people have been done "as I felt like building them", not to any requested build. The specific request from my first "contracted build" was that I build it how I wanted to with no design criteria other than they preferred a "pretty box".
My guitars are like me, One of A Kind.....
As they should be.
It seems to me that if the people from the good old day's had access to what we do now they would have used it to. To try and set rules and define what a Cigar Box Guitar is old school or new is just going to cause a lot of indigestion. My definition of a Cigar Box Guitar. FUN & SATISFYING and who cares how it's made.
Anything I can put together that makes music even half decently is kind of a personal miracle and that is great for the soul. When you get down to it that's why the original cigar box guitars were made. So people could have a little music for the soul during some very hard times.