
  • Good point Chris LMI and are also great resources when you want to learn how to build like the pros.... Happy building... I caught your video and appreciate your enthusiasm. I am looking forward to seeing more of what you come up with. Take care....Jim

    Christopher Call said:
    The link below below in my opinion is the better place to learn and get stuff to do it right. You can also try Tons of info and supplies there!

    Raymond L said:
    Learn to do it right and with goood products.
    Gibson and Fender sunbursts, tabacco burst adn other fade jobs.

    The Guitar ReRanch
    605 Pebble Creek
    Garland, Texas 75040
  • try soaking a few old cigars in a jar of alcohol(tabacco dye) and spray it with an airbrush
  • I wonder if the coffee or tea would work in mineral spirits or denatured alcohol instead of the water, it would evaporate quicker and may not raise the grain as much?

    SaBa said:
    I use coffee (instant) i put lots of instant coffee in warm water to make it black thick water. I use it like stain and apply more coats to the outer edge than the center to get the sunburst look. Tea bags work too as i use them closer to the center. Use the stain in thin coats as the water in the stain will lift the grain of the box and might warp it if too much water sits for to long. Put it on let sit for a bit and then wipe it off and repeat for the look you want.
  • I use coffee (instant) i put lots of instant coffee in warm water to make it black thick water. I use it like stain and apply more coats to the outer edge than the center to get the sunburst look. Tea bags work too as i use them closer to the center. Use the stain in thin coats as the water in the stain will lift the grain of the box and might warp it if too much water sits for to long. Put it on let sit for a bit and then wipe it off and repeat for the look you want.
  • The link below below in my opinion is the better place to learn and get stuff to do it right. You can also try Tons of info and supplies there!

    Raymond L said:
    Learn to do it right and with goood products.
    Gibson and Fender sunbursts, tabacco burst adn other fade jobs.

    The Guitar ReRanch
    605 Pebble Creek
    Garland, Texas 75040
  • What kind of paint or finish is golden oak? Nice work! Wade
    Jim Mitchell said:

    I am not an expert but on this four string first I sprayed it with golden oak, shot a couple coats of clear then I misted it on several coats of black spray paint.... I was looking for an beat up kind of look and it worked out. Hope this helps the cause. Jim
  • I've tried something similar a couple of times. I wanted to make the whole box have that old look.After I sanded it lightly, then distressed it a bit ( my wife used to do finishing in a table plant and showed me how to make it look beat up). I shot a coat of brown on it, then lightly sprayed on some black and wiped most of it back off . Brushed on some clear. After that dried I sanded a bit of the clear to knock down the gloss and it worked out fine. It sold that weekend, so I may do it again.
  • Learn to do it right and with goood products.
    Gibson and Fender sunbursts, tabacco burst adn other fade jobs.

    The Guitar ReRanch
    605 Pebble Creek
    Garland, Texas 75040

    Sun burst and tobacco burst, Gibspn & Fender spray can finishes that are really pro...
    Learn more than you really want to know and learn to do it right...
    The Guitar ReRanch
    605 Pebble Creek
    Garland, Texas 75040
  • that looks great,i would be very happy if i could get those results,thanks
    Jim Mitchell said:

    Sorry forgot to post the front of the instrument... Jim
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