What in your opinion is the perfect size cigar box for a CBG? I read that 12" X is the perfect size for a guitar? How about 9"X? Builders your opinion counts. Seems like there are plenty of CBoxes in the 9" range.

But scale and bridge placement come into consideration I guess.

Your thoughts? Thank you!

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  • Any box can make a nice guitar. Sometimes it becomes a uke or a short scale. Be creative with what you have access to and dont worry. There is no wrong with these pieces. 

  • 306419746?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024


  • I don't know if there is a perfect size cigar box. On the four stringer I built, the box size is: 7" x 10 1/8' x2 1/8.

    The cigar box is a spanish cedar Jamie Garcia. It has regular pick ups so I'm not depending on a piezo to sound good, acoustically speaking.

    Absolutely! Scale length determines bridge placement.

    Sorry about my slow response I haven't been on the forum for quite a while.

    Best of Luck! 


  • Hi wormil, uke!

  • What do you guys think about small boxes? I have a Vegafina, paper covered wood but solid, 6.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 inches. I only paid 50 cents for it and it's a handsome box, would like to do something with it.

    • I agree with thikwater. a sopranino ukulele with an 11" scale. I know that's tiny but in the hands of a good player?

  • Hi Dr Dave, I misunderstood what you meant by skinny, for some reason I was thinking  width rather than depth. With  boxes in the  10-12" range I tend to use a slightly shorter scale length, 24 3/16" or 25" as it suits where I like to  place my bridges and they turn out sounding and playing just fine. Trev

  • I am curious about this too.  I usually try to use deep boxes, but I recently used a skinny Padron box that sounds good acoustically.  I have a number of large, skinny (1 1/2") Arturo Fuente boxes that I have been holding off on using.  Does anyone have experience with these?

    • Hi Dr Dave, I may be wrong, but if the boxes you're describing are approx. 11"x6"x1.5"  then yes, I have had good results with boxes of this size. Here in the UK, most boxes of this size come in solid wood which is an added advantage. Just make sure you plan your scale length before reaching for the saw.

    • Mine range from 10 to 12 inches long, and some are almost square.  I have attached pictures.305811381?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305812295?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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