Hey all, I made my first cigar box guitar about half a year ago and I've been refining some of my luthier techniques since then. Recently my father saw a Mr B video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t28COxEp2k) on youtube and wanted to know if I could make a cigar box banjolele. So, I said, "What the heck, why not?"

At the moment, I'm trying to decide what would be the best wood to use for the neck/fretboards. The box he likes is about 8"x 8" and has a gold trim (Alot like this one, but more square in shape http://www.tampahumidor.com/sd4/media/images/Brickhouse%20toro%20box%20WR%202.jpg). I've been looking for wood/stain combo that has a sort of "Antiqued" look and will still perform well structurally. I thought maybe white oak for the neck and red oak for the fretboard, but from what I hear it's heavy and tends to be a pain to stain/finish. So, anyone have any ideas?

Since it's such a odd type of project, I'm open to any other tips people may have. I'm willing to provide the other design details if any of you knowledgeable folks wanna give some constructive criticism. 

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  • If you can find a nicely figured piece, Canarywood is very attractive.

    Jason W. said:
    Good suggestions. I think a bloodwood fretboard would look good with the box itself.
  • Good suggestions. I think a bloodwood fretboard would look good with the box itself.
  • Woodcraft also sells thin strips of exotic wood (bloodwood, purpleheart, ect.)

    Randy S. Bretz said:
    Most Lowes stores carry pre-cut 3/4" x 1 x 2 maple now and you can buy beautiful exotic pre-cut 1/4" 1 x 2`s from Rockler for the fretboard.
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