Hi everyone, need help again! I'm trying to get an E string the thick one for my diddley bow but as my diddley bow is scale 33 I'm having problems with tuning when I tune to E it's really loose not loose enough for the bridge to fall out but loose enough for bridge to move a bit, so I tried tuning to the next E but closet I can get is C as I think it will break either the string or the neck! I then changed to standard G string from a CBG set but can only tuned that to about F, My question is if your scale is either too long or short are the strings more difficult to get in their preferred tuning ie E string tuned to E, G tuned to G etc? And is there a specific scale that's the perfect length to tune the strings in their specific tuning? Appreciate any help in advance!

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  • Or you could perform broom handle surgery, and get your scale length into something like guitar scale territory.
  • The scale you are using is effectively a bass guitar scale, so tuning the low bottom E as per a regular guitar at anything like an acceptable tension you will need a much thicker string. One solution is to use a bass guitar string (and tuning peg) and go an octave lower.

    Otherwise, hazarding an educated guess here, I reckon you'd need something like an .065 - .075 gauge string, which is sort of equivalent to the the lowest string (B) on a baritone guitar, or a light gauge "D" bass string.

    Doubtless somebody on here will know an online string tension chart or calculator that might give you the right string gauge for that scale length and note. Most "ordinary"sets of 6 string guitar strings are designed to work at scale lengths for the industry standards of around 24 3/4" - 25 1/2"...shorter or longer than that and there will be significant changes in tension from what's regarded as the norm.

    • Thanks I think I saw one of those tension calcs online somewhere before will give them a check! So it is my first build but plan to build more so would I be best to keep scale between 24 3/4" - 25 1/2" from now on?
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