I'm sure I just answered my own question about tuners, but I am going to ask anyway. I have yet to build my 1st CBG, and I am getting my supplies together. I have been wondering if the economy tuners from CB Gitty will work for me. I am a guitar player and know first hand what its like to play with tuners that fall out of tune. I could step up to Hipshot tuners but by the time I do this, I will have more wrapped up in tuner costs that the guitar itself. So, what kind of experiences have you all had with these tuners and would you be able to recommend them or  a better option. Thanx to you all. 

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  • I've had no problems with the CB Gitty tuners, but I have noticed a lot of variation in how 'tight' they feel. Understand one thing - all these tuners are WORM GEAR DRIVEN MECHANISMS. They cannot slip. They simply cannot slip. If one of these goes out of tune it is not the fault of the tuner, it is either faulty stringing (too few wraps), poor string anchor at the tail stock, something yielding (top, bridge, neck), or you haven't played the instrument in a long time!

    The difference in price gives you a difference in feel and precision. Some of the cheap CM Gitty tuners feel as nice as Grovers, but that's dumb luck. Both will let you tune the instrument on pitch without difficulty, so you decide how much money you want to spend.

    • Thank you Mark Bowen for giving some input. I have decided the economy tuners will be my start and now I am deciding on the standard economy vs the shane speal versions. Thank you again. Tim

  • Hey Wizzo, I do not make guitars for sale. I do however make soap cutters. The wires are tightened using guitar tuners. Imagine if you will a giant egg slicer, my latest one went to South Africa. I buy my tuners in bulk from China. Anyway, if you want to improve the quality of your inexpensive tuners you remove the gear and repress it onto the shaft. You can find a tutorial for this on page 47 (I think)  of the Ray Jacobs free downloadable book " making a Ray Jacobs Rocky Mountain dulcimer" . This is printed by handprint press.com. You can easily find it by searching "make a ray Jacobs Rocky Mountain dulcimer" it will be the first one at the top of the page. Yes it is a good read. Hope this helps! Would love to see you first build!!! 

    • Thank you rose, I will check this book out for sure.Thank you for the direction. Tim

    • Page 42 and here's a link to the download if anyone's interested.

      Rocky Mountain Dulcimer

      • Thank you Richard I just downloaded it  and will read. Thanx.

      • Thanks Richard!!!

  • I have used literally hundreds of the econo-tuners.,bought in bulk for 50 to 75 cents each.,.,I find the first cause to fail is usually tuners holes that are not drilled perfectly straight, or tuner holes drilled a little too large.,I never use the little plastic bushing.,the econo tuners cannot take the stress of being unsupported.,.,the next cause for failure is the relationship between the worm gear and the gear on the tuners shaft.,The screw in the gear needs to be snug.,but failures are usually caused by the relationship between the hole for the shaft and the little folded tabs of the baseplate .,those little folded "hook" tabs have to be folded just right.,when I identify a bad tuner I throw it in the pile.,when I get low I take all the failed tuners apart to mix and match pieces to try and make good ones.,.,a baseplate that is off will cause problems and variance in tolerances.,.,,but what did I expect for a 50 cent tuner.,for $1.50 I can get a nice smooth sealed tuner.,.,..,off to level some frets.,.,and a good day to all.,.,!!

    • Thank you Jerry, good information, I will keep this in mind. happy leveling and G Day !

    • The machines with hooked tabs base plates make it easy to change them from left hand to right hand or visa versa. remove the screw, cog and post tap out the worm drive/knob and turn it over. Replace post, cog and screw. You may have to tap the hooked part closed for a good fit of the worm drive.


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