
  • what 2 nails and one string nah.

    its olive wood.

    was just a quare piece of bread board ,was going to leave as is but look rather bland.

    I had some printed paper of a toy guitar so I use that as a template and I was quite pleased with the result that is why I 63(tomorrow) I feel like a little kid in a candy shop LOL

    just thought I'll show it as it is till I get all my parts in.doing the fret board today  ,dark walnut .

    wanted black fret wire none available.

    once its finished it will have a semi Gothic look with skull tuner/skeletel hands holding the flatpup(more or less just resting onto the f/pup.)...all fitments will be in black.

    I wanted to do it in gold coloured to match the olive wood but my eldest said do it in black etc so I did or will do.

    what bits of olive wood I have(cut out) I'll make a bridge,some thing like what chicken john make.

    I think hes a gifted man when it comes to wood like many of you guys are on here..

    my gift is in metal but I will do the best I can in wood.thankfully I can always rely on you guys to help me along.

    here is the bridge that chicken john make.


    this is for my youngest son 28 years old.

    I want this to be some thing special for him to remember me as years go by and when  I'm no longer around.

    on the back of the guitar I will put a little brass plaque engraved with ...

    DEC 2014

    To Tony Love Dad XXX

    don't know if I sound a little morbid by thinking like this I don't know.

  • Guitar??? I thought it was a bagel spatula...haha

  • 2 nails. 1 string. DONE!  :-o

  • don't be so negative John,lovely piece of wood,but give us something to comment on,enormous potential here

  • oh no comments eh! guess I won't be posting any more pictures

    I'll just stick to asking questions.

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