Scarf Joint

I.m a newbie here but built about 15 CBG's so far, anyway I've used scarf joint on all the necks I have made but now after looking at a lot of the pictures of other makers here I'm wondering if I have been doing the scarf joint wrong or right?    I have always put the headstock over the end of the neck and then the fret board over the joint but now I am seeing the scarf joint being placed under the neck?  I know there "is no rules in making a CBG" but interested if there is a better or correct way?  The way I have been doing it would appear to be stronger?


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  • I do it both ways. If I am drawing attention to the headstock.(Flat side of 12deg cut off piece to fingerboard) If not I do it like you do for the same reasons you listed.Since I have only made 12 so far, I might be off base also, 306463894?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • The way you're doing it looks fine to me..........the other way will create a longer headstock, but if I need a longer one I just cut the joint back farther ;)  And as John looks a lot better then having a glue line across the headstock.

  • Either way works, but I use the one where the fretboard covers the joint between neck and headstock. It's stronger and looks better ..the other one leaves a glue line across the headstock which always looks like it needs covering with a veneer.

  • Hopefully the attached image shows what I'm trying to explain.


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