Hi hooch, I hope the light is getting brighter at the end of the tunnel for you.

Anyway here's a workshop to aspire too, if you started earlier enough in life and have nothing else to do. I could not work out if it is a commercial manufacturing workshop or a hobby workshop. Either way its not my style, I have to walk through shaving for at least a day to feel comfortable.

I thought my workshop had everything, but now I see I'm one or two things short.

Enjoy this if you haven't already.

Cheers Taff

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  • Hi, Here is an idea I got from the workshop video above.

    With this test bench, for tuning tops and backs, it was always a pain to get to the back of this amp to plug in different bits of gear like the strobe tuner, Lap Top, speakers etc. Now it will be a lot easier.

  • Brainpower ! its not all in the hands and Machines, Acient Knowledge ! and they have it ! thanks for upload much appriciated !

  • WOW!!! Grandpa is awesome. Back in my early 30's I got into making my own furniture by hand with no power tools. Using hand tools is a completely different mind set. rope vices ,bow saws and clamping ponies all have to be made and matched with your body movements. But man, the joy and feelings of achievement you get are memories in there own right. Never in my life will I ever try something like a Luban. But you are correct watching Craftsmen like Grand Pa does inspire me to do better and adapt some even Minutely parts of their works into something I do. Thanks for sharing his work

  • For those that saw the first video of a fantastic workshop posted here, take a look at the other end of the scale. Like I've said before, watching these craftsmen helps me better my work.
    Enjoy, Taff


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