
  • Milt is correct the spun aluminium cones are very delicate and rely on on their shape for strength.Deform the shape weaken the cone.

  • To my mind JL nailed it, purely decoration, and to add finish to a gaping hole, very limited sonic effect, and i suspect your cone only needs physical protection in a war zone, and if so, it would be made of kevlar

    • If I use the copper cone, I kind of hate to cover it if not necessary, and as I'm just a front porch player, opportunities for damage are minimal.

  • You're right. Many CBG cones are not covered. You don't have to put one on, and probably be okay.  

    • I get your point though, thanks.

  • But can support string tension without collapsing?

    • Think of it kind of like a pop can. It can take large amounts of force straight down, but tap it on the side and it caves. Also very easy to pierce. 

    • Got it, thanks, but I note that most I see on CBGs are not covered.

    • I thought it was just $10 of decoration to justify marking up the retail price another $100, bwahahaha

  • Protection. Spun cones are very delicate.

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