
  • I found wonderful box at a used merchandise store. The box initially contained an assortment of teas. The back had a large, stubborn label [about 5x6] with a bunch of marketing hype on it. After trying a couple other methods, I ended up getting out the propane torch and carefully heating up the label. The heat softened the glue and I was able to remove the sticker using a putty knife without burning my house down. Or damaging the box.

  • Hair dryer to soften up the label.

    Remove the label

    Wipe the leftover goo with a paper towel with a little bit of WD-40 on it.

    Nothing left but a tan line.

  • I swear by lighter fluid, the kind used for zippo lighters. It's cheap & does the trick. Learned this trick working at a video store years ago, taking "new release" stickers off of video cases
  • I have a Squier Strat that had Stickers all over the body, stuck fast for over 10 years. I used Ambersil Label Remover Spray. Took my time soaking it with the stuff and used an old credit card as a scraper. Guitar is now 20 years old and looks better than ever. It didn't effect the black Polyurethane paint at all but it did yellow the white scratchplate, which looks better to me anyway! 

    The stuff is cheap , under £5 and l would make sure the place is well ventilated because I thought I had ,but felt stoned for over an hour later. It is also mega flammable, so no smoking ! 

  • 306555005?profile=RESIZE_480x480I found the easiest method for me was to leave the box in the sun for a few minutes. The heat softens the label and it peels off quite easily. Of course it leaves a film of adhesive behind.

    I just discovered that this product called "Natures Ultimate' cleans the glue off without staining or affecting the ink and paper at all. The glue literally wipes of the box.

    Says you can't drink it either, hhmmpphh

  • Lot's of uses for Windex. great stuff.

    tinyguitars said:
    I use windex and a metal ruler, GOd bless. :)
  • I use washing up liquid, just rub it in then in a couple of mins scratch off with with my nails

  • The absolute best method I've found, and I've experimented with alot of them, is to use a hot hair dryer to remove the stickers, then use Golfsmith grip solvent to remove the glue. It dries quick, leaves no residue and does no hurt the finish. DO NOT use denatured alcohol, varnish remover, Goo-Gone, Acetone or any other petroleum based solvents! The will ruin the original finish. There may be others that are good to use, but I'll stick with the grip solvent...
  • Rubbing alcohol melts some kinds of adhesives.
  • Try using a hair dryer - Most "stickers" have a basking of PSA, pressure sensitive adhesive - the adhesive is almost always acrylic based - the heat will loosen the adhesive and make it easier to remove - you can use the same method to remove an kind of vinyl from a metal sign, auto mobile etc. - Hope this helps - DB
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