Gary Sinise is the actor who played Lt. Dan Taylor in Forrest Gump. He is a bass player and has put a band together and tours war zones and military installations, putting on free concerts for the troops. He has been described as the Bob Hope of this generation.


I had the chance to see him and his band play at Camp Lejeune a while back, and they put on a terrific show.


He has a video out on DVD called "For The Common Good" You can see the trailer here:


"At the heart of the award-winning movie, "Lt. Dan Band: For The Common Good" is the cause-driven nature of Gary Sinise, who vowed at Ground Zero to "never forget those who serve and sacrifice." We need to remember these heroes and their families even more at Christmas time. Even though some of our troops will be returning home soon, many will not, and sadly, some never will. Please join us as we raise $50,000 for our troops and their families and give back to those who are willing to give all.

When you purchase the DVD of "Lt. Dan Band: For The Common Good" right here, between Veteran's Day, November 11, 2011 andDecember 15, 2011, we will make a donation to charities such as Operation Support our Troops America, The Gary Sinise Foundation, and Snowball Express that supports children who have lost a parent in the war. Thank you for the joining the cause!"


I encourage you to purchase the DVD. I have it and it is a heart warming, and sometimes tear producing. (Yea, I got a little teary eyed) movie with concert footage, interviews, and war zone video. It is only $18.99, and would make a great Christmas gift.


Thanks to everyone who helps support their military folk, and special thanks to all our builders who have donated instruments to the CBGs For Service Members program!



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  • Have you posted it to the For Sale forum? May get some action there...
  • Since some folks may be in a buying mood, this might be worth a bump.

  • Dan,


    Here's the foundation's website, with some contact details:



    Our Address

    Gary Sinise Foundation

    Mailing Address:
    PO Box 50008
    Studio City, CA 91614-5001



    BTW, if it looks anything like the mockup Maw sent you, that's gonna be one impressive axe! All his bandmates are gonna want one. If Fender had any sense, they'd do an affordable Squier version of this. Heck, I'd even buy one if they did that.

  • I had actually thought about something similar. It is not a bass, but I have been working on a telecaster copy that I bought as a kit. I am making it into a Lt Dan Band tribute guitar. Roadkill John Maw did a Photoshop mock up for me.


    I don't know what I will do with it after it is done yet, we shall see.


    I will see if I can't find a contact for Gary or his organization and get the particulars or where we could send it, etc.




    Oily "Strat-O'-Nine-Tales" Fool said:



    I just joined Gary Sinise's Foundation, prucahsed a DVD, cap, T-shirt and bracelet, and also setup a revolving donation each month. Thansk very muhc for bringing this to my attention; my father served in the Navy in the 50's, and we adopted a Marine into our family when he was on rotation here about a year ago (he's now stationed in San Diego, lucky dawg!), so this was a nice way to be able to say Thank You to our serv ice men and women.


    As frequently happens when CBGs and something else enter my brain at the same time (you remember what happened last time? You ended up having to make a special delivery:-) ), another random thougth popped into my head (I know. Beware!).

    This one involves Gary Sinise, bass players and CBGs. I was reading the CGBs For Soldiers Group a few minutes ago, when this idea popped into my head: What do you think of the idea of somebody (not necessarily you, but maybe one of our bass specialists hereabouts), building an electric bass CBG, sending it to Mr. Sinise, and mentioning the CBGs For Soldiers program? Do you think anyone of the builders / players here would take this on? Wouldn't it be cool to see him play it on stage, and also maybe see if he would mention the program? Wouldn't that get some broader exposure for the program? I'd be happy to adopt my usual role of cajoler / professional bad influence...


    Whaddaya think?



  • Dan,


    I just joined Gary Sinise's Foundation, prucahsed a DVD, cap, T-shirt and bracelet, and also setup a revolving donation each month. Thansk very muhc for bringing this to my attention; my father served in the Navy in the 50's, and we adopted a Marine into our family when he was on rotation here about a year ago (he's now stationed in San Diego, lucky dawg!), so this was a nice way to be able to say Thank You to our serv ice men and women.


    As frequently happens when CBGs and something else enter my brain at the same time (you remember what happened last time? You ended up having to make a special delivery:-) ), another random thougth popped into my head (I know. Beware!).

    This one involves Gary Sinise, bass players and CBGs. I was reading the CGBs For Soldiers Group a few minutes ago, when this idea popped into my head: What do you think of the idea of somebody (not necessarily you, but maybe one of our bass specialists hereabouts), building an electric bass CBG, sending it to Mr. Sinise, and mentioning the CBGs For Soldiers program? Do you think anyone of the builders / players here would take this on? Wouldn't it be cool to see him play it on stage, and also maybe see if he would mention the program? Wouldn't that get some broader exposure for the program? I'd be happy to adopt my usual role of cajoler / professional bad influence...


    Whaddaya think?



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