
  • Or search on "Come and Make it Digital Rodeo" on apple podcasts app.

  • New pod cast on CBG's: .   I know you posted this a year ago, but we'd still like to play your music and promote your CD.

    • Tell me what you need to be able to play Big Chris & D'Bare Bones Band and I will make it happen, brother!

    • Email Mark Caples at:  

      I'm working on being able to make a decent recording via phone.  Once I get that, I'd like to interview you as well, for the podcast.

    • Give me a couple of minutes and I will send you a link via email through Dropbox and you will have the whole album.  When you get ready to do the interview, I'm game.

  • They didn't seem like they were interesting in even listening to it. I am probably going to print my own CDs and not worry about that. I can use CD Baby gor my store and all digital distribution.
    • Just making a guess that its not a lack of interest but a lack of capacity for Ben/Shane to listen/review/promote every track that's CBG related ...and still be able to produce the videos for us, run this and several other web sites, and run their businesses that keep the roof over the head and food on the table, and have any kind of quality time left over to spend with the spouse and kids.

    • Interesting. They seem to have their own thing going.

      Yeah, CD Baby. Lotta people here also use BandCamp.
    • I got both of those going on for my album!

  • Talk to Shane Speal and Ben "Gitty" Baker. They got a record company.
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