I've been wandering around YT and noticed that tenor guitars sound different than the CBG mountain tenors. They use the same strings from a six string set. Is it because they are tuned to C and the mountain tenor is tuned to G? Curious and waiting for the cat.

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  • When I bought my first tenor, I used DGBE out of simplicity? It’s standard tuning minus E & A strings, but later challenged myself with other tunings when I became accustomed to it? 

  • Thanks for your replies BrianQ, Poorness,

    Ya, I noticed that when tried to practice ukulele chords on a GDGB tuning that my tuner did not respond correctly. 

  • On this topic... I built one of the CB Gitty Mountain Tenor kits. At first I hated the GDGB tuning. I thought it felt too weird to make chords. I thought about changing to GCEA or something like that, but after playing it for a little while, I see the beauty of that tuning. Its a little awkward for your open chords, but it has so many other possibilities. One of the nice things about CBGs is there aren't any rules, so you can pretty much tune it how you want or even make up your own. It might be fun to tune it to an open minor (GDGBb) or open 7th (GDFB).

  • Pretty much, some of the tunings are CGDA, GDAE, DGBE & it can also be tuned like a uke GCEA? Tenor guitars are pretty fun once you get used to them?

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