It was only a matter of time. A commercially produced 3 string CBG type kit.

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  • I think Jeff makes a good point and agree with his observation except for one area.

    Having three boys, all young adults now, I can tell you there is often a great deal of distance between what you are, or think you might have been once interested in, and what they are, or might become interested in. It is actually quite rare that they are interested in anything their dad, or parent hopes they will take an interest in....... LOL!

  • Thanks for sharing Jeff. I agree highly with what you have to say. Although, I feel the price might be slightly high, the market will dictate that down the road. I am looking forward to seeing how Rafa's project works out. Regardless, I am still overly impressed by his funding and marketing skills. Enjoy.  
  • i think this is a wonderful idea whose time has finally come. there are a lot of kits out there for "real guitars" and none of them are really that cheap or easy enough for a kid to put together. i think if i had one of these when i was around 8, 9, or 10 i could easily put the thing together with out any help at all. the kit looks really easy.
    as far as the price is concerned people will pay it. for a father looking for a new way to spend quality time with their kid 200 bucks is a drop in the hat. o lot of parents will drop over a thousand dollars on things like minibikes, go-karts, snowmobiles just looking for a way to get closer to their kids.
    does anybody remember how much fun it was sitting with your dad making model cars? at least a loog wont sit on a shelf collecting dust. you can actually play with a loog.
    i wish this guy all the luck in the world, i cant be easy trying to start a new company in this day and age. cant wait till my kid is born and starts growing so we can do stuff like this together
  • Actually, I think a 3-string guitar IS better than a ukulele for beginning players.  It is an easier fretboard to understand and work around, and the chord shapes you make are easier and require less fingers.  IMHO!


    That being said, my teenage daughter has taught herself 6-string guitar and uke all on her own, and has never once picked up a 3-string guitar, even though there have been dozens laying around the house for the last few years.  So much for my opinion!



    Rafa said:


    I was recently asked in an interview: in which way is the Loog Guitar better than a ukulele? My answer: it is not better. I'm not in the business of convincing people who want to buy a ukulele (or a CBG) that they should buy a Loog Guitar. I just designed a kid's guitar that (I believe) is better than the other kids' guitars. That's it.


    Cheers, Rafa

  • Only meant for a degradation on the product (or name...better than I could do).

    Mark Bliss said:

    Ben, that was terrible!

    But funny.

  • Hello Rafael,


    I posted this topic because I was impressed by your presentation and the method you used to fund the start up. If I accidently posted any misinfomation is was solely due to a misunderstanding.

    Additionally, I appreciate you commenting and expressing your position here.

    Although, CBN is a great place with many fine people, it is also a "Cave of Tigers" and people freely express their ideas. No rules.

    Personally, I wish you the best in your venture. I am surprised someone hasn't done it yet. I always figured it was just a matter of time for a large manufacture like Fender or Gibson for example to promote a rural 3 string instrument. Ironically, this is what the original Cigar Box Guitar Revolution was all about. Not being reliant on the Man. LOL   

    There is certainly enough room for everyone here. We have a lot of good artists here on the Nation. Unfortunately, like you know marketing is key to selling.

    Thanks again for your comments. Enjoy, Keni Lee       


  • Ben, that was terrible!

    But funny.

  • I'm just waiting to see these fill up pawn shops when they all start "hocking loogs." Bwahahaha!
  • An online playing and learning community for kids would seem to be an awesome idea!

    But maybe we are being optimistic, unless theres an interactive smart phone app and a Loog themed video game and lessons can be delivered in segments of 1.5 minutes or less.

    Otherwise we are back to my thoughts on marketing them to a more mature customer base,

  • This looks like a very cool product for a different niche than our beloved CBG's.  If I lived with my family in an apartment without the access to tools and working space that I enjoy today (like millions of American's do),  I think I would be willing to pay the advertised price for this product.   I'm sure there would also be some "local artistic decorations" applied during the build cycle - starting a customer forum where kids could show off their customized guitars and videos could be a great community experience for the product.


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