What small amps do you guys play through? I have a microcube, but I am looking to trade it in for a Pig Nose, or something small like that. My only apprehension with the Pignose is if I have to blast it loud to get distortion, or if my cbg's don't have a volume knob if it will sound that great. Last time I tried one was with a piezo, and it was the first one I put in so it sounded bad. I want something smaller and lighter than a microcube, but has some grit. I hardly ever play electric, so there is no hurry, but I may want to. I know some guys love the pig nose, so I would like to hear why? I had one a long time ago, but I just don't think I ever gave it a chance, and it was never clear to me the variety of options.
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The Blackstar Fly 3 is what you need. It is light weight and has fantastic sound. Can be played clean or with distortion and also has delay. They are a steal at $59. Check out the reviews on Youtube.
I'll watch a demo and try one out. Thanks!
The issue is not that I'm unhappy with the microcube. I have been very happy with it. I just don't ever get to play plugged in much because I do all my practicing at night, and more or less am an acoustic player. I like the way these things sound unplugged so much that I hardly get the urge to plug them in. I played electric for years, but now do all my playing on my one acoustic six string, and whatever git I have lying around. I get in an electric mood once and a while. I have recommended the microcube to many people because it is just hard to beat, and I figured it would be a good busking amp. I just saw a demo on the pignose, and it looked considerably smaller, so it was more of a "maybe this is all I need, especially since I am in small quarters. Overall, I tried a pignose, and I like it, but it wasn't a love affair. I would miss the options. Thanks for all the input! I may try making one though soon when I get the chance.
The Pig nose is a good little rig thats true , i have a old Messa boggie 50 that ive had for years my stage rig which my Son jasper has in his room with his guitars and the old effects board but i found it to much to lug around so i got a Delta Twin from Gitty and was really impressed with its performance got a psyco knob comming to fit in it to change it up , I have played through the cubes and they are the best value for what you get ive got my eye on one in our local second hand shop good luck with your hunt for the righ amp .
I have a Pignose and a Roland Cube 10. I love them both. The Pignose is basic, but it does sound good as you turn it up. One big drawback for me is the lack of an Auxiliary input like the Roland has. That's a great feature playing jam tracks. I am planning on assembling a tiny passive mixer circuit so I can feed in a 2nd input to the "Pig". With that, it's a great portable amp and looks so primitive it's just cool.
Chickenbone is right about going any smaller. You can do it, but you are not likely to enjoy the sound. I have several "tiny" amps including a few I built, but fall short of the Micro Cube or Pignose.
You might be interested in the VOX line of headphone amps if you really want small. Through a good headset, they sound really good. They have built in effects as well as an Aux input. Just the thing for jamming in the house and not having things thrown at you. Check them out'
If you're not happy with a Roland MicroCube, you won't be happy with anything. You can't get much smaller or lighter and still get a decent sound. I like the Pignose (I sell them in my online store), but it is old school electronics and doesn't have anything like the tonal range of the MicroCube. At 5 pounds its not that much lighter or smaller than the Roland.
I agree!...those micro cube are fantastic...the pig nose sounds great but is a one trick pony, no effects and half the fun
for light and portable, I use the cbgitty one installed in one of my spare boxes.
I make lots of these with used speakers... perfect for your CBG.
i tried a pignose. I wasn’t impressed.
Gypsy, I agree with the pick in regard to battery-operated small amps. All good choices. With that said, consider building a cigar box amp. I've built kits from CB Gitty and Tone Monster, both are fine for cigar box gits. The building is easy, requiring drilling some holes for pots, input jack, and speaker hole. These are not, in my opinion, as good as the store-bought amps previously mentioned, but you do the assembly/build. It's in your selected box. You made it. Less than $50.00, and your time. It's an option. I have also sold several cigar box amps - two with git's, one as a stand-alone. Fits with the cigar box style. BTW: I just re-read your post - save the Microcube, and build you a cigar box amp.