piezo rod wiring

G'DAY, another ''simple" question form downunder: I bought some of those piezo rod pickups from c.b.gitty without really knowing what they were. they have a connector thingy at the end of the wire...so my question is: how to I solder it to an input jack ? cheers

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  • Bridge- wood base / Saddle - bone , wood, metal rod  - sits on the rod piezo.  A rod piezo is 1/8" wide you want the slot in the bridge base the same. The saddle should fit snug but not tight. The pressure from the strings will push the saddle down on the rod. I use bone for my saddles,  then i can hand fit the saddle for a good fit, you don`t want the saddle to be so loose that it  " flops " back and fourth.

  • 306030756?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Let me ask further ,,, when using the rod ,, do u make the bridge material ride on it ??  how do u insert it into the bridge to get the pressure put on it !!

    • You cut a groove in the saddle for the bridge to sit into... a piece of 1/4 inch wood ...cut your slot...drill hole for connection....sit your rod into the slot with the bridge resting on the rod...the strings when tuned should be plenty of pressure for the rod too work properly....BTW...you can cut the rod for more accurate size too fit your build.

      • errr, Reeds has lexdysia - you cut the slot in the bridge for the saddle to sit into...  

        The rod piezo needs pressure from the strings, the saddle should have full contact with it.  

  • reed,s method is simpler,go with that unless you want to  be able to swap pups,also it will reduce the chance of interference

  • Also you may not know, but rod peizo work by pressure. Their usually placed under the bridge....the strings apply the pressure.

  • go to jaycar or similar,get 2mm mono socket,solder output jack to terminals and plug in rod piezo,tip of pin is positive

  • Remove the connector....use the outer wire for ur ground...and the inner wire as your live...

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