
  • There's lots of ways to make a piezo work. And there will be many other members who will give good advice. I'll offer a different one: to get the best results from a piezo disc, take the disc, go to the nearest window, open window, throw disc out window, get a magnetic pickup, install.

    Just funning about that (or am I?)

    Piezo basics...will pick up all vibrations, finger sliding, rubbing noises from wound strings, breaking wind, etc. They work better when using two, not one. Some builders install them in the base of the bridge, others will place them inside the box, located under bridge location, or off to either side. Many will suggest covering the installed disc with hot glue to help to reduce feedback...(a phenomenon resulting from sound waves coming back towards guitar body)...which can also be reduced by facing amplifier away from the player.

    If using a volume control, don't bother with a tone control. Those are best left to magnetic pickup designs. BEst to keep it simple and wire the piezo(s) direct to the output jack.

    Piezo size doesn't really matter, but there are a few sizes to choose from. A pre-amp (like seen on the side of an acoustic/electric guitar) can help improve the sound, but isn't necessary.

    Most important, have fun, enjoy the experience.

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