Does anyone have input on either external or internal pickups? Which type is best? The ones I have used are piezo disks inside the box. I usaully have problems with them getting the right sound out of them.
Thanks Larry
Does anyone have input on either external or internal pickups? Which type is best? The ones I have used are piezo disks inside the box. I usaully have problems with them getting the right sound out of them.
Thanks Larry
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The rod piezo pick ups work good. You can cut them down to the size you need. They won't sound as good as a wound pick up, but you won't use a disk again after using a rod.
Thanks for the advice on using a rod piezo Daddy D. Never thought about the rod type
Thanks Randy I will have to wonder over to your site
I have a variety of 1930's style cigar box pickups on my web site. And I also build customs like the skulls on special order. My basic rail 3-4 string rail pup is $75.00 walnut or Bakelite.
Thanks Bob, you sure have a alot of nice pickups. I will stop over at your site
Experimentation is key. Some use single piezos, some use double. Each has it's merits and setbacks.
Can always try one of my handwounds...see pic.

Thanks for reply. Experimentation and gaining experience can't be replaced