Pickup Placement

I'm working on an electric violin and I'm wondering about pickup placement.

There's going to be 2 pickups, one for the 2 bass strings (G & D), and one for the 2 trebles (A & E) in a p-bass style arrangement.

As I've never built an instrument before, and have basically no experience with electric instruments of any sort (there's a first time for everything right?), I'm wondering about pickup placement.

Does it matter if the treble pickup is the pickup closer to the bridge (as in a p-bass), or would I get pretty much the same sound either way? 

How does the sound change as you move the pickup closer to or farther from the bridge?  Does it get louder? Other mystery sound effects?

Mostly just curious, I'm sure it'll sound good enough no matter how I lay it out, but I'm interested in absorbing some wisdom.  I'm sure it's a little different on a violin than a guitar, but oh well.

Citations would be appreciated if you know of any comprehensive discussions on the topic published elsewhere.


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  • Interesting concept, an electric violin with magnetic pickups. Consider that with the back angle of the violin neck going to the very elevated violin bridge, the distance from the top of the instrument to the strings is considerable. In that case the pickups would have to extend a fair distance above the soundboard, and would be quite exposed, if not also difficult to figure a way to mount/install.

    Also, the body will need to have a similar shape, in relation to the "waist" or narrow section of the body, to allow for access to the strings with the bow. Without that slender section, comfortable access to the outer strings is difficult. This puts a space limit on how much area you have to get those pups in.

    Most electric violins I have seen have a form of piezo element pickup mounted on or under the bridge. But I for one would be interested in hearing from others about the idea of magnetic pups.

    • Yeah, the body (which is already made) is flat (and solid wood), the pups will be mounted on top of it, not routed into it at all.  Current running plan is machine screws going into threaded inserts in the body with conical springs so that it's adjustable but hopefully stays in place. I might have to adjust that plan as the actual setup goes down, but I think it's workable.

      I'd show some pics (it's pretty cool, if I do say so myself), but in the EXTREMELY unlikely event that the intended recipient of the violin finds this thread, I'd like to avoid giving it all away until it's done :)

      Come the new year I'll put up some pics of the finished product.

    • The threaded inserts is perfect, look forward to seeing it.

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