I am looking to build my first cigar box guitar over the summer however I have very little in the way of power tools etc.

I would like to build an electric version with  a single coil pickup and two sound holes. Is there a short cut method for creating the holes (both the sound holes and for the placement of the pickup), without using a routing tool. I would like it to be reasonably neat but I appreciate a short cut method would not produce the same results as a dedicated tool. If this is too difficult without dedicated tools then would someone be able to recommend a cheap tool for the job that is suitable for beginners.

Sorry about my ignorance but this is going to be my first build!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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  • Doesn't really seem like a proper build if you haven't drawn blood at least once during the process.

    • I know whenever I slip with a power tool or sharp object - lots of things become an "F hole"!!!

  • A little patience and a sharp pocket knife go a long way in the world of CBGs. Enjoy your first build- it probably won't be your last!


    • I used to feel the same way about cutting tools until a slip on a "F-hole" with a knife and a trip to the ER with a cut artery in my thumb, convinced me that drilling, sawing and sanding are more better options.... ;-)...heheheheheehehe.

    • Ouch!!!! Some of my best builds have a bloody fingerprint on the inside of the box somewhere
    • I bet there was an "F" word said when that happened...
    • Yes, but I learn that quick servic in the ER happens when you walk in with a blood soaked towel and say "arterial bleed"!
    • I have a table saw "nibble" on my thumb that caused a similar trip. I have skin graft there now. Funny thing. The palms of your hands don't tan. The skin graft on my thumb does. Looks pretty disgusting all summer. And every once and a while, just to add insult to injury, it will grow one hair. So yah, I am all for drilling and sanding too.
  • I have found these for sale on ebay after following up on advice from Richey.


    What do people think? The dimensions are 27.5 x 17.7 x 7.5. Ive been trying to decide what size I would like best and this seems to be a good start as its a little deeper than some of the cigar boxes that crop up constantly on ebay.

    • Assuming these are inches and not cm, I'd cut em in half, cover each half with spruce or birch veneer. Two gits in one!
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