
I've been having trouble with holding my pick between my thumb and index finger lately. They'll move around on me and sometimes they'll fall to the ground or inside the guitar.

Guess it's due to nerve damage in my neck and I'm losing a little grip. Arthritis can be a problem too.

I started looking online for thumb picks (the picks that attach to your thumb) like the Banjo guys often use and was surprised at how much they cost these days.

I have a bunch of celluloid picks(tort colored with Fender logo) lying around that I wasn't using. So I got a few of those picks and wrapped one around a writing pen and clamped it with a clothespin. Then I used the hairdryer on hot to heat the pick for a couple minutes and then let it cool down. Then I removed the clothespin and the pick was in a permanent U shape. Then I glued it to the top of a choice pick with superglue.

Now I have a ultra tin pick, a thin pick, a medium pick and a heavy pick with an attached fold over pick that folds over the top of my thumb tightly and keeps the pick where it needs to be. Still need the index finger to help keep it in place, but it doesn't move around or come out from between my finger and thumb. Also It didn't cost me anything and I'm making use of picks that were not being used.

Hope someone finds this useful.

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  • Idea inspired by a bachi for a shamisen 

    Get one of those 2.5 to 3.5 inch plastic putty knifes and grind down the sides from convex to concave, gives you a "whole hand" grip for your pick.


  • Lots of good solutions so far. The only thing about sticky areas on picks is, it tends to make your fingers sticky too and that bugs me.

    • Sticky Fingers. Nice album by The Rolling Stones! : )

    • Did they make any bad ones? Haha

    • I was thinking about this today and had a couple ideas. I thought what would be most comfortable would be something that you gripped at a comfortable level for you. So then I thought of polymer clay,, what if you squeezed some polymer clay around the pick in your preferred playing position? it would be like a custom fitted pick! Another similiar option might be latex caulking, brush a coating of it right around the upper part of the pick so it encases it and won't come off, and then build up a couple beads where you grab. It will remain flexible so no need to be too fussy with it.


    • Sounds like a good idea.

  • I was in an indian restaurant in Arizona, and the guitar player they had there was getting ready to leave because the place was empty. After some urging he stayed and played an overwhelmingly variety of styles, including ragtime, country, and blues. after seeing my appreciation he handed me his classical guitar and showed me a thumbpick he devised very similar with a flexible pick for strumming. I am trying to remember now how it was done, because he had me try it, and it would not come off. Great idea though. I am glad to see your will overcome physical limitations. 

    • If I can't do it one way, I'll find another way. Hahaha

  • I buy the picks with a textured grip, a few bucks for a bag of a dozen.

    You also might try a felt pick, easy to keep hold of and have a less plinky sound.

    • Those have helped in me in the past to keep them straight.

      Felt? interesting idea I'll give it a try.

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