
  •  I'm with Taffy on this. I, like Taffy miss the old Forum discussions of builds, in detail. I miss the discussions, the how-tos - the successes and failures... One other thing. I miss the old photo page. You used to be able to blow up the pictures up larger to see more detail. Alas, as Taffy says, "...nothing stays the same.".

  • Hi Shane, I think that is a better layout. Especially as BrianQ says videos are the main draw to members, it catches your eye better as soon as the page opens. But I like a post that explains the build more fully, as it used to be in the forum discussions. But nothing stays the same. 

    cheers Taff









  • 12886236675?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • I just moved it back to the middle.  What's everyone think?  Look ok?


    • Thanks Shane. Moving that back to the centre is much better, more like home. But then I'm an old fart who doesn't like change.

    • Thanks, Shane.

      It is better bigger and in the middle.

  • It's no secret that people fall out of action here after they've built a few cbg's or are just lurking like the majority of members that are here? Some times I see a dozen people in here without a peep from anybody? Another thing to take into consideration is that both of those people who moderate have a business to run plus a busy gig schedule, not to mention cbg's to build? And they both check in on a regular basis & are aware of what's going on in the nation, but it's up to us to let them know if we think something could be better? That's why Shane posted his email address in the posts about the 3.0 update, he wants our input so the format can be finalized? Personally I have always got around the site using the navigation bar, so I don't really pay attention to those panels on the home page, except for the latest activity panel? I think that's the best way to access the site? The photos & videos have always been the main draw here, that will never change, most people come here just to watch videos? 

  • Hi, yeah not many people use the forum part anymore. So many old names who were regular contributors have gone for whatever reason. It used to be that somebody was always showing their work, work in progress, or discussing their latest purchases. I always looked forward to seeing what was on somebody's bench.

    BrianQ's comment regarding talking to a moderator about issues made me think. If I were a moderator I would be observing for myself the "state of the Nation" on a regular basis. I come on here every morning before heading to the workshop and it is not hard to see how things are going. Maybe I'll get used to the new format [I realize it works for some] but now I go straight to the Forum Discussions and other features don't seem to jump out at me. Maybe times they are changing and folks are more interested in photos and videos.

    Anyway, I suspect it's not an easy task to try to please everybody. But really, the only complaints I can remember of the old site was the difficulty in posting, which did not bother me at all, once I had worked out a way around the problem. But others may have got jack of it and drifted away.

    Not complaining, just saying.

    Cheers Taff



  • I Prefered all of the Old Format smile

  • You'll want to talk to the moderator then?

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