Hey folks, I've done some searching but haven't really found the answer I'm looking for. I built my first CBG and put in a piezo but I don't have an amp to see if it works because I only really play acoustic lately. I just want to test my guitar to make sure I wired it up right until I get a proper amp, so I figured I could use my PC speakers. I picked up a 1/4" mono to 3.5mm stereo adapter jack and plugged the CBG into the speakers and got nothing. I'm just wondering if what I'm trying to do should work in theory and if it's my piezo setup that isn't working or the jury rigged attempt at using PC speakers as an amp.



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  • Hmmm, I didn't solder, just used a plug adapter, and had no luck. They are independently powered speakers. So not sure why it didn't work for me

  • Yes this works, the speakers must have an independant power supply. Crack the speaker open that the power supply goes to solder a quarter inch jack to the input wires plug in and play.

  • I picked up a used Line6 amp today in great condition for a great price. Plugged in the CBG and no problems at all. So glad the problem wasn't inside the guitar. I can't believe how good a simple piezo sounds in an amp. Wow, I'm super impressed!

    • line  6  is an awesome amp  .  it's   what i  use  .

      • I'm loving it so far. It's the Spider III 15, just a small little guy but the effects are great and it looks like it's well made. Set it on crunch mode with max reverb and it sounds juuuuuuust right :D

        • cool  .. lots  of  guys have  the  spider  2  or   3   on   here  ,,  and that 15  sounds and feels  like  100  .  

          • Has anyone played one of the little Orange amps yet? Wanna try one. If you like the 15 and 30 watt Line 6 check out the Peavey amps same thing really. Peavey been making the best solidstate amp for 40 years. The Bogner line 6 are great but big bucks.

  • I use one of those with my iPhone for a guitar amp all the time. Test the speaker with something else, an iPod etc. I suspect you got a loose connection in your guitar
    • Right, your iPhone is sending a line-level signal. A guitar needs to be pre-amped to get up to that.

  • Powered PC speakers' 3.5mm input is expecting a line level, which is much hotter than a guitar pickup. The mic-input should work, but make sure that it's not down or muted, and is able to go to the output instead of record-only. I wouldn't assume it's the guitar unless you know a mic works in the input but the guitar isn't.

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