Howdy Nation! I'm finding I have to steeply angle these pickups to get an even volume across the strings. Closer to the lighter string. Has anyone else had this problem? Or could it be the pickups I'm using? I bought four sets of these years ago. Each from a different person. All used. No idea of what brand or what bass they came out of. Got then all really cheap. Think the most i paid for one set was $15. I would have to say I'm very happy on just how good these sound. I really wasn't expecting a good tone.

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  • The output is fine. Knew it would be a bit on the light side. Still a great sound. A Lot fuller than I thought I'd get. Ended up with the D string louder than the high E on my four string build. Guess I could swap out this set for one of the others. But I'm really really happy with the sound. And don't mind the angled pickups. Just wondering if anyone else had come across this before.

    Was thinking about keeping them as a Pbase setup for my next build with them. Staggering them just like they would be on the bass. The high B and E strings will have more twang and bight than the lower D and G.

    • Just stick something small (and ferrous) on the polepiece to extend it a pinch. A head off a nail works pretty good
  • Yep, the two, four poll pickups wired together. I've separated them. Using them as two pickups. Thanks for the response. Probably the quality of the pickups. It's not a bad thing. Just unexpected.

    • I left mine connected, which doubles the output to around 8.6K ohms. Split, each one is around 4.3K, which is likely why you're getting less than expected output, perhaps?

  • Are you using the p bass pups w/ two 4-pole pups linked together & staggered on a regular bass, or the other longer ones w/ the four double poles? If the first, I have used them successfully without angle, just be sure to have strings directly above mag poles, and within 3/8" from top of mags, maybe closer, to get the most output possible.

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