My broke wrist (3 bones, 6 breaks), is on the mend but stiff. I'm curious if any of you have tried magnetic bracelets etc, for arthritis pain? I've read up on them and most say it's a placebo, but there is actually evidence they do help circulation. Bein 65, I'd like to stave off any future incapacity if I can. Thanx.

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  • I'm a scientist, skeptic, and general pain in the butt. I got one of these mag bracelets for Christmas despite having absolutely no wrist pain. Anyone want it? Hahaha.
    • Didja put it on yer finger (you know which one...)
    • Hahahahaha!

    • If you're serious........sure, I think re-gifting is a swell idea. If you send me your address I'll send the postage $$

    • It's in Boston.  Next time I'm out there I'll grab it and throw it in the mail.  I couldn't figure out how to make a pickup out of it.  :)

  • Try taking fish oil regularly, high in omega 3 oils. Omega 3 oils supposedly help with reduction of inflamation. Omega 6 oils on the other hand seem to promote it. There are heavy amounts of omega 6 apparently in corn fed as opposed to grass fed beef. More so than in either pork or lamb.

    Fish oil is supposedly good for heart and circulation system too, so it shouldn't hurt anything.
  • I think you should definitely enlist your wife to help choose one which best accessorises with your shoes :)
    The hops suggestion def has merit too....

    As to the swamp witch problem, I recently had contractors erect a seven foot 'swamp witch proof fence' around the entire property. Now I just gotta deal with their junk mail :p

    Ps I'd love a witch but am waiting for the endorsement deal cos my kids eat everything I earn.
  • Big Lucky Hoodoo!

  • If it works for you, then it works for you.
  • I have a bracelet blessed by the spirits and washed in the water from an enchanted stream, and left overnight on a full moon within the Glastonbury stone works every time for me !   :-)

    ...still can't fucking play though... ;-)

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