
  • If i did this I would rip all the frets out, plane it flat and start again. If there's insufficient thickness I'd add a fingerboard over the top. Sorry. Any repair will be more work than that, and perfect results are unlikely, an imperfect patch job would always annoy me to look at.

    And to leave it like it is.... (Shudder) that would drive me fucking crazy... There's a lot of baaaad notes waiting to come out of this puppy...

    There is a silver lining mate, you'll never do this again :)

    Edit.. If you want a short cut, pull the frets and (assuming there's no radius) iron something over the top, veneer, smooth counter top stuff etc... Then (once that glue has cured up) you just gotta get your saw lined up exactly right to get the existing slots thru that as well, shouldn't be too difficult if you start right at the edges where you can see the slot underneath, maybe scribe each side and join the dots.. Stick your frets back in and skip the face dots on this one...
  • another idea...cover the errant dots with an applique or hand-paint that says "B" "S" "A"

  • John,

    Make it your first scalloped fretboard. RTZ already grabbed the suggestion to call it "Baker's Dozen." Or get really creative, by just drawing (or inlaying if you want a challenge) a big number "12" for the 12th fret. Or just leave it, and call it the Devil Fret.
    • Nice suggestion... seems like most of us here have had enough of these "oh crap" moments!

      It plays well, which is all I care about.  It is going to a silent auction for the Boy Scouts troop my son is associated with...

  • So, I tried sanding down a paper-thin piece of veneer, but after 3 failed attempts, I just gave up.   However, I figured why not veneer the inlays!


    Though not perfect, it's not too bad...


    • looks good but you can get a thin veneer slice using a plane if you're careful...then trim it down :-)

    • NOW you tell me!  :-)  All good!

    • I can get good veneer slices using a band saw :-)

  • put a matching pair for fret 11, and put corrected pair closer together at fret 12 and it will look like you 'framed' fret 12 with the 'European method' for marking 12b and 12# as well.




    • JL..  i should have listened to you, but only had 3dots left and i was impatient...  next time i will... great suggestion!

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