So, I am literally a rookie at this (less than a rookie actually, as I haven't attempted to make one yet), so this may be a silly question.  But...


I just read the Best Boxes for Great Sound thread, and noticed that most everyone agrees to have the top of the box be the top of the body, which does make sense.


However, I did see a guy who made one where the BOTTOM of the box was the yop of the body.  I wish I remembered where I saw it so I could show you all.  It did have a pickup, so I am guessing that was why he could get away with doing that.  It was also a pretty nice box to begin with.


So, I guess my question is, if someone were so inclined to make an acoustic guitar, using the bottom of the box as the body top, how badly would the sound be affected? 


The reasoning would be art work that may be compromised by the brand name on the lid.


Thank you all.

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  • I like using the bottom for all the reasons Ron mentioned. And the way I've been bracing the necks inside is easier that way too:

    I attach a piece of neck stock to the back of the neck inside the box. It also touches the two sides. Glued up it makes a nice strong brace that holds on to the neck and the box. 

    There really are no rules though. Both ways work. For a first build using the top might be the way to go. It's a little easier to do. Just make sure the lid shuts nice and tight.

    Important thing is to have fun and learn from your mistakes.

  • Very much so.

    Thank you, sir.
    • Here is my take and I have and sometimes still do build lid on the back. The top and sides are already attached and sealed so the bridge transfers move vibration into the box .Its not as easy to build this way but  it makes well like Oily's #4 its nice when building to get in and out of the box. Vibration comes from the neck bridge and tail piece if the lid is on top and the neck is attached you have a joint all the way around the top and the only way to seal it is to glue it. This is were most people lose volume and tone the box needs to be seal , then  you can decide how to let the sound out or not.

  • Shawn,

    There's a fair number of builders here who use the bottom of a "standard" cigar box. The main reasons for doing so are:

    1) The bottom is generally thinner. Thinner means easier to drive via string vibration, which can result in better tone.
    2) The top can sometimes be slightly thicker than the bottom. See #1 above.
    3) The top often has beautiful graphics or labeling that the builder just can't bring himself to destroy, modify, or cover up.
    4) Using the bottom for the soundboard means, especially on piezo or mag pup-equipped builds, that the hinged top becomes an instant repair access panel, without having to de-string the guitar.

    Make sense?
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