New User

Hello everyone.  This seemed the most appropriate place to introduce myself.

I have been building instruuments for about 15 years as a hobby.  In fact, I have probably copied a number of you over the years lurking here for inspiration.  I recently decided to try selling a few instruments, and figured it was time to stop lurking and start getting involved here.

Anyway, its not a CBG, but figured I would include pics of one of my favorite creations over the years.  Looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning more and more.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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  • I made a traditional one-string wash tub bass last year with my grandson, which was fun to make and play, but your stand-up blows me away. I like the built-to-fit stand, too. Awesome build, S.B. Welcome to the ongoing madness!

  • Mighty fine looking bass Shinbone!

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