exactly a week ago i accidently stumbled across hollowbelly on youtube. his stuff blew me away, so i got in contact with him. i was totally unaware that cbgs had been going for so long, i thought it was a new thing!
so, i looked deeper, had some talks (over net) with hb who made me see the light, that to build my own was the best way.
i searched the web, bought a cigar box. first mistake, didnt read listing properly and bought one which i think is too small. so, look again. in the eman time i bought some tuning keys, they came in 3 pairs, which is great, means i now have to build TWO cbgs :)
so, to one of, what will be, im sure, many questions. what is the best pickup for me to use, at a sensible price?
thanks in advance :)
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YeahDoIt said:
i was thinking of going normal guitar pickup from the start! ive bought two cigar boxes in the past few days. one was too small i think (my fault) 170mm by 120mm by 35mm, and the other i think is gonna be real thick wood ( as i dont thin kits a proper cigar box). im thinking the thicker box would only work with a normal pickup, is that right? do the piezos only work with thin wood?