Hey guys...I am looking for a simple piece of black and white clip art of a cigar box guitar that I can incorporate in my t shirts.  If you have one that you would allow me to use, or if you know where I could buy the design, please message me.  Thanks...David...Po' Boy Guitars

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  • How about this..

    Build a guitar.
    Take it to your nearest art school.
    Talk 10 minutes to the teacher.
    Set up a 'best entry wins the guitar' (you have user rights on the entries).
    You get a whole lot of publicity, general interest, and local support.

    Everyone is happy and you might get personal orders for more builds.

    • Very good idea.  I live in the town where East Carolina University is.  They have a huge art department.  I will give that a shot.  Thanks for the suggestion.  David

  • If your looking for a custom design, I fart around with a grafix program i bought....i may be able to help.

  • Here's one I just drew on my iPad:


  • Here's the one I drew for my Blues Frog Logo.

    You're welcome to use it if you like.


    • I need something for business cards hope ya dont mind me using it 

  • Thanks guys for all the suggestions.  Though I've use Photoshop for years, I didn't think about taking a pic of one of the guitars I built.  I recently bought a green wall backdrop with extra black and white backdrops as well along with 2 lights.  Maybe I can produce an image using that.  Also, once I get good pics of the ones I have built, I will post them...kinda proud of them.  Thanks again for your help.

  • Google cigar box guitar. 

    Change search type to images go to sesrch tools, select image type clip art.

    Change color to black and white

    Fiddle with terms change image type to line drawing, that looks cool too.



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