Neck Drop Angle?

I tried a search of this forum but didn't come up with hits that addressed what I'm talking about.

I'm new to CGB building and have spend a number of evening bouncing around the internet looking at building instructions and videos.

I hit a video a few days ago that talks about cutting a 3 degree taper on the top side of the portion of the neck that is inside the box. This will cause the neck to angle downward (from box to head).

According to the video, this is done to address bending of the neck under string pressure and help keep the action height constant across the length of the fret board.

Is anyone familiar with this technique? Is 3 degrees the default standard?


Tom T

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  • I don't know what the angle is, but I like it.  I also make the bridge last and use a metal rule edge on the fretboard to get a rough height requirement.  I also don't like the neck back angle to be so extreme that the headstock is a resting point lower than the back of the box if you lay it down.  With thin boxes, this isn't always possible, but I try.

    Generally, I just draw a line on the part of the neck going inside the box and plane off the top surface to that line.306358277?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • That's a striking piece of maple there.
    • Thanks.  I have a great local source of figured maple, birds eye maple and many other exotics.


    • Thanks for the photo, Eric. It always helps to see what you are talking about. I understand concern with the head stock being the main contact point for the guitar.

      I will keep making drawings and try to learn as much as possible from this site.

      Tom T

    • The neck angle is important to playability, and depends on what bridge height your going for. You don't have to have it but if you have a bolt on neck you can change the angle later if needed.

    • The more I read, the more a bolt-on neck makes sense.

    • Same difference screwed and glued or just screwed but if the neck starts to get a little relief as time goes by you unscrew it and change the angle or if you install a new pickup and need more height. I do both then I tried this which work great.

      Blind nut bolt on neck. I don't build for profit so it gets old building the same way.

  • Interesting.   I've believed in angling down the neck and I have usually done it..  This last year or two, I have played guitars by two well regarded CBG builders who do not angle or rake the neck.   They played and sounded quite well.   


    My last build was a just for fun quicky on a Saturday.  Built in a few hours - a neck through with an added quarter inch fret board --no neck rake.  It played and sounded excellent.  

    • Hi John.

      Thanks for adding to my CGB growth. My first build (3-string, fret-less) had no neck angle and, as you say, it plays fine. Still, I want to learn as much building technique as possible so I can build a better piece next time.

      Tom T

  • i always rake them noDSCF1051w,Tom,but i HAVE overdone it in the past

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