I actually got my backside in gear and starting building one of these today!
Regular cigar box, oak 1 3/4" neck, eyebolt bridge, copper boat nail nut. Piezo transduced when I add it.
Attachments show what I got done today on day 1 and hopefully I'll have it basically finished tomorrow and refined over the coming days.
There's already stuff I wish I'd done differently lol!! and it's a good reminder how hard white oak actually is!!!!
Just an update....basically finished, just waiting for a few glued bits to dry before marking up the frets and giving it a blast.
Yeah how hard can it be!
I've got a small pillar drill that I tried using as a milling machine as I've got some end mills. Would've been good for notching the through neck and headstock. It worked, but not great. An x-y vice would improve it but I'm not sure how long the bearings will last in my cheapo pillar drill with all that side load on it.