My first build

Well I just finished my first build. It is made with a 36 in. 1x2 red oak for the neck, with 5 inches for the tuners and if I had to guess 13 inches through the box and inch on the bottom of the box for the tail piece. The box is a black Java Robusto Maduro box. The only part I messed up on was I was so excited to get the box done I put the strings on in the wrong order, so insted of ADG, its AGD, with A tuned to G. Except for that i love it. I cant post any pictures right now. My next project will be a Diddley bow CBG.

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  • also made a slide out of a neck of a Stewarts bottle, you can see it on my ring finger.

  • 305762064?profile=original

  • Sounds good, I can't tell you how many times I changed the strings on my first one to get them right, so that is no problem easily fixed. Now find someone with a camera and get us a pic of that thing. By the way I like you sticking with the un amped old school build. There is a forum for them and you may find some tips to make your next ones even better. I put a piezo in mine but they have to sound good un plugged also.

  • Oh and it is acoustic. i dont like CBG's amped. I think it takes away from the real blues sound they make

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