I've been in a big need for a drill press for sometime now and this weekend I struck paydirt! Not only did I acquire a bench type press I got a 16 pc and a 7 pc forstner drill bit set. Plus I have a new tablesaw, handplanes lined up for next month's pickings. On top of that a whole workshop full of beautiful toys to go through for first dibs.

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  • Not really a tool, but still useful!3841945126?profile=RESIZE_710x3841947209?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Waiting for a chance to "explore"(look through) the rest of the shop. There's so much stuff it's like Christmas with the exception that I get to pick out my own presents. LOL

    • Hi Hooch, the woodchip gods are smiling on you buddy, pick wisely. Keep in mind that many wood work tools and machines do more than just what they were design to do. A drill press for instance has far more uses than drilling a hole.

      Gotta feel for the person who has lost or has to lose their workshop.


      • Hi Taff, as always I'm happy to hear from you! Been praying for you and your fellow Aussies, I'm so glad "Drought Breaker" wasn't renamed "Firewood". God what a mess! Hope all is well! I fell into this deal on the tools. Sadly the person who owned the tools had an incurable form of cancer and "accidentally" drown while fishing. A family friend was helping with liquidation of his shop. After purchasing the drill press he was loading it up for me in the backseat of my truck and saw the two CBGs that were  being prepared to ship overseas. We got to discussing what and who they were for, being a vet himself he wanted to contribute somehow. After a discussion with the widow an agreement was made to setback "any" tools I wanted to be purchased when I could at a very very special price.(she wanted to donate it all to me in honor of her husband who was a victim of Agent Orange) I couldn't do that with a clear conscience. The forstner bits where thrown in "because you will need them!" There are several jigs and fixtures that in the works to utilize the full potential for the press. Unfortunately we are moving and I have to part with my storage shed and really downsize to a smaller outdoor work area only(no more sneaking projects inside or a tented table. HOA) but like you said "The main woodchipper is smiling on me!" I'm just trying to figure out how to get all my benchtop tools to fit in a shoebox storage space 3'x 6', now that is the miracle I'm looking for! LOL

        I'm thinking about changing the name of this or keep a running list of all of the "junk" I accumulate.

        • Thanks for the kind words Hooch, and your interesting but somewhat sad story. I have a couple of story's similar that brought about guitar builds that honor the memory of the person who passed, or to remember a special achievement.

          I would not consider this a miracle, but maybe it would be if you could pull it off. Here's my idea.

          Get, beg borrow or swap for one of those big trolleys they use in kitchens, freezer rooms or use to deliver meals on hospital wards. That's the basis. Pick a shelf that is close to bench high and install a solid surface, say 3/4 ply. Then out of the same plywood make a drop down bench surface that is hinged to one side of the trolley and extends the work area you already put in place. It will fold up and lock in place so that the trolley can be wheeled back into your storage area.

          On the remaining shelf areas you store hand tools, on the other side of the trolley facing the dropdown bench you mount your drill press etc, and even have a drop down bench on that side too. The possibilities are endless. Here's a rough drawing to explain it better, I hope.   

          3835064752?profile=RESIZE_710x Taff

          • You're welcome and thanks cor the idea of the drop down shelf. I'm kicking around the thought of "French cleats" to hang shelving for storage. The tablesaw has a folding contractor saw base.

  • Joyful stuff!!

  • Argh.,,. blasted good luck.,. excellent find.,.,you should get many miles with those.,., 

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