I've been making cbg for almost 7 years, I just finished my 75th one, I have sold all but 8, it's been a fun journey, learning experience and I keep learning something new.

So for my 75th I wanted to try something new, I redesigned the inner working how I make my cbg because I added a humbucker, which I've never done before. For me, adding a humbucker I had to rethink how I do the neck inside the cigar box. I think it turned out pretty nice, and the sound the humbucker picks up compared to a piezo is amazing, I think I'm hooked and will continue to start using humbuckers.

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  • Those previous 74 are apparent because that is one beautiful CBG. Clean and professional looking. Clearly you do good work. Keep it up.

  • Great look!  I too love humbuckers!  Flat ones make it easy, though...

  • Looks like someone will be very happy when they get her. Something about black and gold makes it look classy. Great job Josh

  • Hi Josh, nice looking, classy well finished. Of all the CBG's I have hanging on display I chose one with a humbucker as a keeper for me..........unless of course somebody likes it more than me and is willing to pay.


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