Hi Guy's, I did not want to take the "sounds great" thread started by Moritz off track so I'll continue the part of the discussion about guitar necks here.

I was talking about the necks I had salvaged from other guitars and used on CBG's. Most of them had been Fender style electrics necks of the bolt on variety. As can be seen in the photo's a future project I have in mind will use a perfectly good [brand new] acoustic 12 string neck [shame about the body]. I've used 12 string necks before but never as a 12 string CBG.

My next build will be a 12 string. I will have to remove the fingerboard and refret it to make it a shorter scale and maybe or maybe not use the Ford hubcap as a resonator. It really has a responsive tone when tapped. Anyway for what it's worth enjoy. 

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  • That's looking real good and will have a unique sound for sure. I've  recycled old electric and acoustic necks for some builds in the past but neck making is my favorite part of the CBG process so I only do it now if I'm given a broken git with a decent neck. Still, this is a great way to do it if anyone's put off by the fretting process. I know it took me a long time to be confident that my fret slots were correct.

  • Check out this place

    Chinese wholesaler

    There are different manufacturers on this site this one was just the first I found.

    It can also be helpful to email manufacturer's directly and ask for a specific neck from one of their full guitars. I enquired about mandolin necks and was quoted £140 for 10. That was fretted and finished with dovetail joint included but minus the tuning heads and no tuning head holes drilled. 

    They were also willing to work with me on headstock CNC design and branding with completion of hardware tuners and bolt on design.. This would have pushed the price and number of items up to (depending on design) £500 for 20 items. 

    Have a nosey about the site. If anything it might give you guys ideas.

    • Tread carefully there Fornhorach,Alibaba has some dangers going by the reviews,some genuine traders,some not so genuine it seems

    • Yeah it takes a bit of digging to separate the traders with the manufacturers. Basically a trader will try to catch your order then pass it onto the manufacturer as their order and add a bit of extra cash on for themselves, repackage the items often ends up with shoddy boxes and damages during transit. I know this happens in every world market but it is being seen more so in China because the large manufacturers are willing to deal in small p2p orders.

      This works well for budding eBay suppliers/website sellers etc. We see them springing up everywhere.

      For us though.. If we work closely with these people we can design a full customised professional made neck to fit 20/30 guitars for a couple of weeks wages that will set us up for an entire years worth of guitars.

      For me? I decided I wanted to go down the fully hand built route. This way I can change scale lengths, construction methods and even scale tuning.
      But I know you guys often sell guitars en-mass at music festivals and this road is a way to get a professional look at lower cost with quicker build times.

  • don't waste a perfectly good fret job, use the scale its already built to, just find the right box or make one for that hub-cap resonator (like a LPG)

  • Awesome build! 12 string banjo? 

    In the previous thread there was a discussion started on the quality of some of these necks. I've ran into that myself. I bought a guitar at a yard sale for $15. It had a truss rod that spun and did nothing. Ended up going to a resale shop and spending $99 on another guitar just for the neck. Slapped it in the night before. This neck works and plays like in should. 

    I've bought a hand full of necks from this site, guitarfitish but haven't built anything around them to see if they're worth having. First because I like standard string spacing and a radius. Secondly I think it would be cool to set one of to have two different 3 string tunings. Or a makeshift low bow and a four string. Get two guits out of one neck. And the third reason is I'm not all that great at being really accurate. Hopefully who ever manufactured these necks are not the same people that did that Hammer neck. ( fretting is way out of position ) Be cool to hear from anyone who's bought necks from this company. Even at $25 to $45 I want the best I can get for what I want to build and play. 

    • I've built 7 guitars using GFS Factory buyout necks. 5 regular guitars 1of them is a 5 string, 1lpg thats a 5string and 1 cbg resonator. Most of mine are the Strat or copies .1 LP style and 1 Dano on the reso. Haven't had any problems at all. Got about 9 more stashed. They have some good sales about 1 or 2 times a month. Got some nice pickups too.

    • Hi Blue rat, the plan is for a 12 string resonator guitar, Check out Roy Rodgers, sounds fantastic he uses one on some songs. If you check out my Facebook site you can see two resonators I have built. Google Taffy Evans handmade guitars if your interested.The trouble I find with a radiused neck and a flat saddle and nut for slide work, is that out side strings stretch out of tune when using a capo. Cheers Taff
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