Hi, guys!  I would appreciate some info on how to install a screw-on neck with a micro tilt feature.  Seems like it would be a good way to keep the action at reasonable levels.  I think I have an idea about how it would work, but I'm not sure I'm on the right track.


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  • Thanks for the info, people. I think I've got it figured out. We will see how it goes!
  • Hi again, I had just remembered my principal for the adjusting mechanism. I had not seen the video last time I was on here, but the systems are similar.

    To show the workings I have pictured a jig I use for setting up, a double bass, for clarity  in this instance as it is bigger than the violin and cello versions. the violin jig shows how small the unit can be.

    A set up like this was mounted at the end of the neck, in the neck stick is a threaded insert, it runs up and down the threaded rod tilting the neck. the tail end of the neck was not "free floating" as it is always attached to the threaded rod. Food for thought?


    Cheers Taff

  • Hi Tom, now that you mentioned it, I remember doing this on a three string some time ago. I set it up and forgot about it and then sold it without having the chance to use it.

    l'll leave you to work out the details, but I remember it was a through neck and was bolted at the heal and another bolt at the tail end was used to do the tilting. I must have used what I had in the "save for later" drawer for tail end mechanism.

    cheers Taff

  • Chickenbone John is the guy to ask about that.  : )


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