Hi Folks, I tried looking and searching in the old posts and maybe I missed it. If so please direct me to it.


The question I have is back when I tried to start learning guitar there was that system as per heading that was used . Does anything exist to help one learn where all the notes of the scale are when playing in an OPEN D or any other tuning for that matter.


Yea, I am new to this and hence the question, but I am not smart enought to know the answer or find it if it is here anywhere.


Any light anyone  ???

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  • Here is DADF#AD:

    Dark blue: D notes
    Light blue: Other notes in the D major chord
    Black: Other notes in the D Major Pentatonic
    Grey: Other notes in the D Major scale

    I made 3 charts with the website I posted, and layered them with a photo editor. (Sorry, I should have zoomed in a little first).

  • this might be helpful..z.
  • This in no way replaces learning music theory, but it did help me make sense of a whole lot of relationships QUICKLY.


    .... it made light enough for me to navigate by....zandi z.
  • Tom, watch this video here..


    Now a lot (the vast majority) of guitar teachers will spend a few months on ur technique, then spend the next 20 years milking ur wallet while they hand u 'patterns' - bits of paper with maps of chords and scales to take home and practice. In the end u will have a small folder of these patterns which has cost u several thousand dollars. Im not trying to discourage anyone from having music lessons of course, and some ppl need the discipline of seeing a teacher every week to ever get anywhere anyway.

    Make urself a strumstick. Everyone can use one, I dont care how accomplished u already are. Get a capo too and u will find several years worth of scales and patterns built in there. use the strummer as a practice/composition tool to take ideas to ur chromatic 3 string. Watch the video a few times and see how u go, I made a real effort to 'dummy it down' as much as possible, there is a lot of good stuff in there. Let me know if ur struggling with anything. And check out Keni Lee's videos, I have seen em, but a thousand cigar box kids cant all be wrong :D
  • Hello Tom,
    To get a better understanding of applied theory, let me suggest this book:
    It is very well written and understandable.
    All western music starts with the major scale. It is altered to create other scales like the pentatonic blues scale. A chord is simply 3 different tones played at the same time. The D major scale is def#gabcd. The D major chord is made out of tones 135 (df#a). The three basic chords for the key of D are tones 145 (d, g, and a). To figure out notes for the other two chords, you have to use their major scales. g chord (gbd) a chord (ac#e). I hope this helps. Enjoy.
  • NOW.. this one took me places !
    Not being real brite ( on my end :)
    I wondered "what does he mean by a strummer ? ( told you I wasnt brite )
    So I went online and looked for strummer.
    And I found Strummer Stick !

    And wow, did it look like fun, easy to play and make and sounded good. Plus the ability to have it sound like that finger pickin mountain style music was WAAY cool. I spent the next hour clicking links, cutting and copying stuff.
    All good stuff posted to my question.
  • SEE, what do I know. I didnt know there was more open D's out there.

    I use a 6 string now ( well only 5 now I broke a string last night )

    But had it tuned to an open D, only because I read it sounded better and was a popular tuning.

    I was then hoping to be able to learn what places on the fret board I could hit and have it sound good ( thats where I thought the Caged system would come in ) my fingers dont work really well any more so chords shapes are kind of out and a more single finger stab approach would be better for me.
    Hope that clears it up.
  • Looks like I will have to look into your Devils lesson.
    Dont plan to play lead with a band or anything just amuse myself.
    Not knowing music I didnt know that scales were built around a chord ( if I understood that to be correct )
    I would love to play fingerpicking but the fingers dont bend so good any more :)
    Why the open tuning you ask? Becuae I thought it might be easier to learn to play something using it. Correct ? ? ? ? ?
    Like your idea of using what little I know already of the Caged system and not trying to reinvent the wheel. Especially at my age :)
    Lots of good insite there sir. Thank you !
  • ok the D major notes are listed, but are they the same as open D ?
    I see the list that took some time to make and I can see the progression down each string of the scale, but not sure now what that tells me.

    Did I mention I know nothing of music ?
  • WOW.. already the stuff comes rolling in. Thanks guys. Will try to respond to each.
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