(A Shane Speal newsletter)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

The last time I wrote, I was head-to-toe in sawdust as I built over 40 cigar box guitars for the season.  (Thanks to everyone who purchased one.  If you're giving them as presents, please send pictures!)    I'm now done building them for at least a few days while I celebrate Christmas with my family.  I've had some requests for guitars.  If time allows, I'll make more soon.

So now what?   Here's a rundown of things happening... 2013 will be awesome:

  • NEW ALBUM:  I've been able to use some of the money from guitar sales to purchase much needed equipment for my home studio.  This means I will begin recording the instrumental cigar box guitar album in January.  I hope to have the album on sale by March or April. 
  • CONCERTS:  Many concerts coming up in the Central PA and Northern Maryland area.  See the full list at www.shanespeal.com.  I'll be at Guido's in Frederick MD this Friday at 10pm. 
  • BUILDING A NEW FOOT STOMPER:  My last foot stomper died at a gig two weeks ago.  Today, I was out in the woodshop building a new one.  I just posted some pics of the build on my personal Facebook page.
  • PLAYING ABNORMAL "NORMAL" GUITARS:  In addition to my cigar box guitars, I've also been playing the awesome Musicvox Spaceranger guitars in concert.!  (Don't worry...the cigar box is always going to be my main squeeze.)  The Musicvox Spaceranger was always an "ultimate guitar" for me and it's a dream come true to have three of these suckers in my arsenal.  They're the freakiest...and best playing things I've ever had. 
  • Musicvox...It gets weirder:  I've become good friends with Matt Eichen from Musicvox and I created a funny fake ad by Photoshopping his guitars onto old sci-fi pulp fiction books.  (I was bored...)  He liked them so much, he's going to use the ads in Vintage Guitar Magazine next month!!!  You can see the ad now on their Facebook page.  
  • Musicvox...It gets cheaper:   Musicvox runs secret sales every once-in-a-while for their hardcore followers like me.  They have given me permission to share them with you.  There's a massive $399 sale going on until the end of the year.  Scroll down...I put the info at the bottom of this email for anyone interested.  (Gear freaks unite!)
  • BOZ, THE GODFATHER OF THE CIGAR BOX GUITAR:  To those who have been part of the cigar box guitar revolution in the early days, you'll no doubt remember Boz.  He was one of the most passionate members of the movement, always buying everyone's guitars, always playing more shows and always encouraging everyone around him.  Boz passed away in 2007 and left behind many changed lives.  Just last Saturday, I received his coveted 5-string "TurboDiddley" cigar box guitar built by master luthier, Kurt Schoen.  Thanks to his wife, Karel for asking me to care for this guitar.  It will be honored and used on the instrumental album.  What a beautiful guitar...from a beautiful man.

Thank you all for an incredible year.  I wish all of you a great Holiday and a prosperous New Year. 
ps.  Musicvox freak-out sale thingy below 


Now through December 31, 2012 only.  These guitars sale regularly for $799-$899.  Limited supplies.  There are Space Ranger Guitars and Basses, Space Cadets, MI-5 guitars and basses and more.  Contact Musicvox at their Facebook page or email Matt directly at GUITAR@musicvox.com to inquire about your Holiday wish and he'll tell you if your wish is on the list!  ASK FOR THE "SHANE SPEAL SALE."  He'll know what you're referring to.

100% guaranteed and 14 day return policy.

All NAMM demos and factory prototypes have no fret wear no fingerboard wear & are guaranteed to play and perform as new.

*Special discounts on shipping this week in Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, USA, and Canada on all new instruments*** Until 12/31/12

See all the instruments at www.musicvox.com

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  • Happy New Year?

  • nice  ..   have a great  holiday too  shane  .  :-)

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