
  • There are links to the 2010 and 2009 albums just below the link for the 2011 album.



    Drieskazoo said:

    Hey You all, Basmandries (Drieske) wants to wish You all a marry Christmas and a happy New Year !

    I've just downloaded the The 2011 Christmas CD and wonder if there is a possibility to download those

    two other christmas CD's from 2009 and 2010, just to complete my collection !!

    Yo-Ho from Holland


  • Hey You all, Basmandries (Drieske) wants to wish You all a marry Christmas and a happy New Year !

    I've just downloaded the The 2011 Christmas CD and wonder if there is a possibility to download those

    two other christmas CD's from 2009 and 2010, just to complete my collection !!

    Yo-Ho from Holland


  •         What?  You're going to devour women and children for the holidays?  

        Oh, the horror, the horror.  I think that I shall faint... oh,  wait,  you mean

        the "creatures."  Yes,  oh turkey and pig,  rejoice as thou art devoured...

        merry we meet and merry we part (!?!?!?).

    Roadkill a.k.a. John Maw said:

    What. Even the ones we are going to eat?

    Sorry. I just couldn't resist. One day I will learn to behave (but not yet I hope).

    Clockwork(J.Leong) said:

                                          Let all the creatures of the earth,  great and small,  rejoice and

                                          make merry!                    

  • 305761329?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • What. Even the ones we are going to eat?

    Sorry. I just couldn't resist. One day I will learn to behave (but not yet I hope).

    Clockwork(J.Leong) said:

                                          Let all the creatures of the earth,  great and small,  rejoice and

                                          make merry!                    

  •                                          Happy,  happy,  Christmas joy to the Nation and all the world!

                                          Peace on earth,  good will to men and women and children too! 

                                          Let all the creatures of the earth,  great and small,  rejoice and

                                          make merry!                    

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