
  • Right. That's what I do. So I do a laminated neck where I take two pieces of 1x2 and glue them together, add on some extra for the heel and cut it lateral to shape. Like here

  • are your heel and neck made from the same piece of wood?

    what about glueing a piece in for the heel? any suggestions?

    Wes "Moanin' Mule" Yates said:

    See my album here

    I use a set of sharp wood chisels to rough out the shape the heel, rasps and sandpaper to fine tune.

  • See my album here

    I use a set of sharp wood chisels to rough out the shape the heel, rasps and sandpaper to fine tune.

  • Glue it up... shape with rasps and files...


    That's one way, anyway.  Just glue up sections of the same wood using a quality wood glue and when it's dry start shaping.  I use hand tools, but power sanding tools would be lots quicker.

    Another method is to cut out the entire neck shape in one piece from a blank.  I've use glued-up laminates of maple and oak, then laid out the neck shape (side view) on same and cut the whole thing out with a scroll saw.

    "Ears" for the tuning head are glued on later.

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