How do you lower the string action with a cookie tin guitar? I do neck through guitars. I use a can and glue an extra piece of wood to match the height of the can but other than cutting a slot for the nut the string height is still too high. I want to start putting regular frets on but haven't solved this first issue of string height being too high.

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  • I use coriane counter top material for most of my builds. I find it is plenty hard enough, but cuts with any kind of saw I use my jig saw or table saw and make a bunch of blanks, I shape them on a sander but most important once on the guitar I can easily change the slot height to lower the strings as close as I can to the fret by simply running my triangular file in the slot a few times. 

  • Neck. Angle. Neck. Angle. Angle. Your. Neck.
    • Hard to see in this pic but its where the blue paint is where it drops


      • You could also use a smaller diameter bolt.

    • Actually I'm sorry I have chiseled one of my necks at the nut area. It is more of a square drop than an angle . I'd suppose I could try the same but at an angle instead of a square drop. Even so it didn't effect my string height too much. Much to learn...
      • Jon,

        The Kid means to angle your neck where it attaches to the box, not at the nut / headstock end. You want to angle the neck downward from the box top about 2-3 degrees. This can be accomplished by some thin wood shims under the tail end of the neck, or by using The Kid's very kewl scarf cut on the tail end, which gives you a wedge to slide up or down until you get the neck angle you want. At the box end.
        • Any photos of that shim end where neck meets the box?
          • Pics of those involve heavy screws into a block of wood into the neck which does not go all the way through the box. They are like a Fender bolt on neck with 4 screws; you can shim under the two screws nearest the tail, giving you some down angle on the neck. But I was talking about setting some shims under the TAIL end, lifting it up slightly in relation to where the neck meets the box:


            Oh, and I found the thread with The Kid's original illustration of his inside the box scarf cut, plus shims:

        • Oily I'm looking for scarf joint on the site that you are referring to where the body meets the neck (still looking) not where nut meets the headstock. I see photos and videos of the scarf joint where the nut meets headstock ....which by the way I never knew you could cut and angle and flip it around to create that slanted neck look...(wondering if glue will hold?) cool

          Re: slanting with shims where neck meets body.Ok I see some pics not totally clear but I'm also using tins so its a bit different. I'm sure it's been done here on cbn.
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