I gettin ready to buy a looper.I know nothing about them except what I`ve read on internet.What`s a good choice? Also what do I need in way of hook up etc?Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Oh, I also wanted to mention that most of the newer models of loop stations have an SD card that you can upload and manage your loops from your computer. Or if you use a program like garageband, logic, or some other recording software you can mix your own loops and upload them to the loop station. Just some food for thought if that's something you're interested in.
I recently got a Boss RC-2 on embay for about $100. Should be a fun little toy if I spend a little time to figure out how it works. You just need 2 guitar cables and a handfull of 9v batteries - or get the 110v adapter :-)
Some of the effects boxes from Digitech have a 20 second looper.. I have the rp155.. It's an OK unit and you can find these on craigslist or guitars center used section for 50 bucks.. BUT once you go to a straight looper then it's 150.00.. Kind of depends on how much you need to loop.. If buying used look up the specs first.. not all of digitechs have the looper... PS: I've seen a lot of guys spend the money on a new one.. those are the ones found used because of lack of interest... Hope this helps..
Most brands are pretty much the same in comparison. Two of the more popular ones that I'm aware of are the Boss Loop Station models and the Digitech JamMan loopers. Both have one or two pedal options, which just means that you have two pedals to configure through the looping function instead of one. If you're comfortable using only one pedal it shouldn't be any hassle. Additionally there are differences between models of both manufacturers in terms of how many inputs you can do. Most of the newer models from both companies provide a 1/4" guitar cable and an XLR microphone cable. In my opinion this is really handy so you can loop from both sources.
That's pretty much my take on the situation. I have an older JamMan with two pedals and both the guitar and microphone inputs and I love it! But the best recommendation I could make is for you to go out and play with them. Like with instruments, sometimes you don't know what you like or love until you take it for a test drive. Good luck!
Thanks for your input.It is greatly appreeciated.