Hi all.  I'm a retired non-player that has been taken with the sound and the enjoyment of building CBGs.

My challenge is I would like to determine the quality of my builds and I know of no one that can play a CBG.   My wife and I travel full time as park host, living in a motor home and would like to meet up with a competent CBG artist that can honestly evaluate my builds.    We will be in the central I-45 corridor between Dallas and Houston  (Mexia) between October and December this fall.  If there is anyone interested in a meetup in that area this fall, please contact me.  

FinePix HS20EXR - DSCF4528.JPG

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  • Hi I think you are on exactly the right track wanting to put it in other ppls hands. Many many around here think they got it nailed when in fact they have no yardstick to measure upon except other ppls photos. Great stuff. Enjoy ur journey :)

    Ps I gotta few how to play videos as does LJ and knotlenny over at teds clubhouse. Check it out
    Ps2 scales, scales scales! Lotta guys think it's chords. Practice scales and it'll all come together ;)
  • One of my favorite things about building your own instruments is that NO ONE can tell you that you are playing it wrong! NO matter how it sounds, you can ALWAYS claim it is supposed to sound EXACTLY like that!....;-)

    Have fun and enjoy playing that beautiful thing!

  • Hey...Welcome to the insanity. I'm "a retired non-player" too, at least I never played anything until started building these things and I'm retired, (mostly just tired). Just started builds #8 and #9 and still don't know how to pick very well, but I'm getting better. Keep at it and you'll do fine. It's all about the fun for me and when I hear my "home-made music" it brings a smile to my face. Listen to the how to videos and "borrow" some licks from the guys on here that know how to play and you'll do fine.

    Life is good on the lunatic fringe.

  • Your guitar looks finely built and I imagine it sounds quite nice.  Just string it up and tune it to an open chord like GDG or DAD.  Then simply swipe your fingers past all three strings.  Ain't nuthin' but a strum thing.

    Again, looks like great work to start.

    • Ed, It's tuned to an open G and sounds really good. I am trying to find some tabs to help me learn, but so far no luck. I figured if there was someone out here near where I'm traveling, I could "pick their brain" and get a head start.  I'm willing to buy the beer, wine, cool-aid or whatever.

  • What exactly is "a retired non-player" ?!?!?!

    Your build looks quite nice. Is the latch on the bottom lose? I'm curious as to why you put the sound holes where you did. Hmm... you could always send me one of them  ;-)  !!!

    • Yes thelatch was somewhat loose, but I'm getting ready to replace it.  As for the sound holes...what can I say.  I wanted them in the front, but I broke some cardinal rules of woodworking.  The number one rule in my book is: Don't start cuttin' when yer tired. The sound holes were supposed to be on the front, but I had the box upside down when I started marking for the holes.  The box had a nice sound, so... I decided to keep on keeping on.  

      The end result is a great sound and a lot of complements on the looks of the build.  Numbers 2 & 3 are in progress.  #2 is a tin can (coffee) resonator in a Fuentes box and # 3 is a Casa Torano - both fretless for slide.  I would just like to hear some one who knows what they're doing make some real noise (Delta Blues) with it so I can hear what I have done.

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