
  • Their out there Al, but over all most gals have way more sense then us guys do,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LOL
    Plus , and this is only my own opinion, gals know full well that their "not supposed to do anything as well" as us guys do, due to us guys being so insecure and all , not to mention a guy seeing his girl out playing him would cut him to the core.
    Disclaimer here---------- Not ALL guys feel this way,,,,,,,, and some just flat out lie LOL
  • Still looking for those women who play guitar for the same reason!
  • Back in the early 60's I was 13 yrs old.As we were watching the Porter Wagoner show one Sunday my dad ask if he bought me a guitar could I learn to play it.I was a shy guy back then and didnt have a clue how to meet girls,although I liked girls,just still didnt know WHY I liked girls so much yet,,,,,,,,,,,
    We went down to the local record store and dad bought me the best guitar they had in the store, $21.95,,,,,,I took 6 lessons, my teacher taught me how to use a mic the proper way,and I started working as a single at the local theater style country music show.At this point I also was doing some local work at local tv stations doing guest shots.
    And THATS when the phone started ringing,,,,girls I had seen in school but wouldnt bother to talk to me all of a sudden would get my phone number and call ASKING ME for dates.
    So all this went to my head and of course I took FULL advantage of my new found power,girls liked me!.So this must be a game where I can make the rules!Boy was I a pain, LOL
    But all in all I dated a lot of girls,and noticed that girls were stronger then I thought they were. They could pick up and carry amps, guitars and equipment with no problem and seemed glad to do it," Hmmmmm there must be something too this guitar/singing thing, I think I'll stick with it "
    It got me a lot of dates and 2 wives before I figured out what I was doing right and stopped it LOL
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