Don't forget that the conference call is tomorrow afternoon, Sunday March 27th, at 3pm EDT.


If you are planning on attending, please make sure you have done the following:


1. Downloaded and installed Skype, and created your Skype user ID.

2. Sent me a PM with your Skype user ID so I can add you to the contact list. I ask for it in a PM to help cut down on any spam you might get by posting your Skype ID in public area where the spammers can find it.


I plan to be online in Skype about 10-15 minutes early tomorrow. If I have received your Skype user ID and have added you to my contact list, I should see you in my list with the green check mark next to your name.


(I may be online tonight for a bit, so if you see me there and want to test your connection, feel free to send me an IM on Skype.)


Once I see you online, I will invite you to the conference call, so please make sure you are all set to go, and have your headset and microphone all plugged in.


NOTE*** Skype can be a very sensitive application and depending on your microphone, it may pick up a LOT of background noise. So, if you have kids yelling, dogs barking, March Madness blaring on the TV set, vacuum cleaners running, or other noise,  please either try to eliminate that noise, or mute your microphone by clicking on Call>Mute Microphone in the Skype window like so:



There is also a microphone icon in your right hand Skype window that you can click on to mute the mic.


You are welcome to just sit and listen, so if you want to unplug your mic, or just not plug it in from the beginning, that is fine.


I will be moderating the call and try to keep it as organized as possible so we don't end up with people taking over top of each other.


If you have a question you want to ask, please right click on my name in your contact list and choose  Send IM, and type the word "question" in the chat box and hit Enter. If there is more than one person waiting with a question, I will take them in order. When it is your turn, I will call on you so you can ask your question. At that point, make sure you have your mic un-muted if you muted it earlier. I will ask one of our "panel of experts" to answer the question for you.


The call was originally meant to try to answer questions for newer builders or players, but if you have been around a while and have a question, feel free to jump in.


Questions can be about building, or playing, or both.


I am looking forward to chatting with you all!





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