It turns out Kurt Russell went a little too far in portraying a cagey bounty hunter in Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie "The Hateful Eight."

The actor is responsible for destroying a 145-year-old guitar during shooting.

The guitar, which Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character plays in one scene until it’s snatched by Russell, who then smashes it against a pillar, was a one-of-a-kind Martin from the 1870s that was on loan from the Martin Guitar Museum.

In all fairness, Russell didn't know he was handling an antique in the scene. And according to Dick Boak, the director of the museum, archives, and special projects for C.F. Martin & Co., the production didn't fess up to exactly how the guitar was destroyed.

“We assumed that a scaffolding or something fell on it,” Boak toldReverb. “We understand that things happen, but at the same time we can’t take this lightly. All this about the guitar being smashed being written into the script and that somebody just didn’t tell the actor, this is all new information to us. We didn’t know anything about the script or Kurt Russell not being told that it was a priceless, irreplaceable artifact from the Martin Museum.”

So what went wrong?

The film’s sound mixer, Mark Ulano, filled in SSN Insider

"What was supposed to happen was we were supposed to go up to that point, cut, and trade guitars and smash the double,” according to Ulano, who said six doubles were made of the Martin guitar. “Well, somehow that didn’t get communicated to Kurt, so when you see that happen on the frame, Jennifer’s reaction is genuine.”

Here’s the destruction of the Martin in the movie (check out Leigh’s reaction at the end):

Boak told Reverb that the museum has been remunerated for the insurance value of the guitar.

But that wasn't enough to heal the matter.

"As a result of the incident, the company will no longer loan guitars to movies under any circumstances,” Boak told SSN.

Business Insider contacted Boak to try to get an idea of the value of the destroyed guitar. He said he wouldn't provide more comments about the matter, only stating, “It’s not replaceable.”


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  •  After watching it, look in upper left of the vid box, and you will be able to see a clip of the lady playing it.

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      • it does  ..  she  even seemed to  look  to  the   directors  etc  .. 

  • You have to think about the environment these actors work in. Their clothing is fake. I personally know someone who makes clothing for these kind of movies. Most of the sets are fake. Your surrounded by plastic representations of the real thing all day. So why would the guitar be real? I don't think anyone watching this movie would be old enough to remember what that guitar sounded like when it was new. So why use the real thing? Just dumb. 

    • i  have to agree ,  even  set  back  then  ,  the  guitar  would   not  be as aged as  the real  one  was  ,  which  would  hurt the authenticity  look  i would think. so  why  ? unless  it was used as a model  for the props and then  mistakenly  used . ? 

       and  i  hardly  think  Kurt  is to  blame  .(or even "responsible" as  the copy and  pasted   post from     well  Reverb above words  it  )  .  i think  it was   more  a chain of events   and / or lack  there  of ,and lack of  communication  that caused  it  .

      sad  none  the less.

  • I wonder what happened to the bits? Pass them here please! I can still use them.;)

    • It needs to go back into the museum, now it's famous and has history on top of being priceless and valueless.

      • right  beside  jimmies  fender  lol. 

    • (Kurt)  ... " ummm.. sorry  ,,  no  bits     left  .    i  tossed    em  in the fireplace     .. honest  ....  and    there  must  have  been   7  replicas  me thinks  ...  "  ;-}

      • It's amazing the lengths that Fender fans will go to convince the world that the Stratocaster was a good design.

        • A Fender Stratocaster wouldn't have splintered to kindling like the Martin did...(hypothetical, of course, since the Stratocaster hadn't been born yet).

          But like them or hate them, it's hard to argue that some of the best guitar players and their music would not have sounded the same on a different guitar than a Strat.

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